Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Right back atcha...

While I have not done a scientific study to determine if other 3 year old children can wink, I do believe that Maxwell is one of the few who does it so well. His papa taught him how to wink a long time ago and then I (Matt) decided that he needed to add a little something more so I taught him how to open his mouth and give his "right back atcha" look. For your viewing pleasure, here is a picture of Maxwell winking--especially for you. We hope you have a fantastic day!


Joyce B. said...

Cute! I bet Leslie thinks he's winking only at her. :)

The Uptons said...

Joyce--I think you are correct! Leslie is ready to claim him as her own if we would let her. Hope you are doing well. --Matt

Anonymous said...

Joyce, Leslie, you are wrong--Maxwell is winking at his Nana!!