Just a few things our oldest son has said lately...
To Maria and Rae Rae (our dear friend and babysitter Rachel) while playing outside:
"When Miller gets bigger I'm going to teach him how to drink out of a big boy cup...(long pause) and spit."
To us while talking about praying and about how Jesus prayed to God in the garden of Gethsemane:
"You can pray to Jesus or God, it doesn't matter which one."
(I'm taking the liberty to tell on myself as a father and a man). To me while giving him a bath one night:
Maxwell: "Daddy, what do you say when you have a stinky toot?"
Daddy: "Excuse me."
Maxwell: "Daddy, when you toot, it's like a nightmare."
To Maria after giving Miller a kiss right after he was done nursing:
"Mommy, when I give Miller a kiss on the lips, he thinks it's 'milky' time."
To both of us while we were driving home from dinner and Miller was crying:
"Look daddy! When I hold Miller's hand, he stops crying." (and Miller really did stop crying as long as Maxwell was holding his hand)
To Miller:
"I love you Miller" and then to us, "I wish he could say 'I love you' back to me".
To Papa (Maria's dad) while taking a nap on the couch:
"Papa, quit your honking!"
Although we know it will be full of challenges (it already is!), we also know that having 2 boys is going to be a lot of fun! Have a great day and be sure to check back for our Easter message.