Today is a most special day because today is the day that the Lord brought my beautiful bride, the love of my life, my best friend, the mother of my children, my precious Maria into this world. Words alone cannot express how thankful I am to the Lord for creating her and, especially so, for giving her to me as my wife. When I think about my life without her, it is all blurry and bland, but life with her is vibrant, full of life, and full of happiness.
Oh sure, we've had some hard times, but overall, life is so good with Maria in my life. I still remember the first time I saw Maria up on stage at Breakaway leading worship and how I thought, "I should ask her out...but she would think I am a freak since she doesn't even know who I am." Only God knew then how the future would play out...and I'm glad he let it happen the way it did.
I love you sweetie. Happy Birthday!
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalm 139:13-14
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Miller's 1st Birthday Party
On Saturday, February 28 we celebrated Miller's 1st birthday (his actual birthday is March 3).
Guests included:
Mommy, Daddy & Maxwell
Nanny & Papa
Nana & Grandad
Aunt Jana & cousin Zachary
Mrs. Lizi & Rae Rae
Mr. Morton, Elizabeth & Abigail
Here are some pictures of the big party:
The candle is lit and we are singing "Happy Birthday" to Miller here. Apparently, he didn't like the sound of our singing though--notice that he is covering his ears.

Below is Miller's first taste of icing...and he wasn't the biggest fan. Neither of our boys have liked their first birthday cake. Fast forward to this week when Maria tried to give him another bite of a vanilla cupcake with vanilla icing--he still didn't like it. She then thought, "I know Maxwell doesn't like chocolate, but maybe Miller will", so she gave him some chocolate icing guessed it, he loved it. Mind you, he still didn't like the cake, just the icing.

Here he is playing with the cake...not eating it though (Maxwell cried at his first birthday when he felt the icing because it made him dirty...not so with Miller).

Finally, here he is with his friend Abigail. At least he isn't pulling her hair here.
Guests included:
Mommy, Daddy & Maxwell
Nanny & Papa
Nana & Grandad
Aunt Jana & cousin Zachary
Mrs. Lizi & Rae Rae
Mr. Morton, Elizabeth & Abigail
Here are some pictures of the big party:
The candle is lit and we are singing "Happy Birthday" to Miller here. Apparently, he didn't like the sound of our singing though--notice that he is covering his ears.

Below is Miller's first taste of icing...and he wasn't the biggest fan. Neither of our boys have liked their first birthday cake. Fast forward to this week when Maria tried to give him another bite of a vanilla cupcake with vanilla icing--he still didn't like it. She then thought, "I know Maxwell doesn't like chocolate, but maybe Miller will", so she gave him some chocolate icing guessed it, he loved it. Mind you, he still didn't like the cake, just the icing.

Here he is playing with the cake...not eating it though (Maxwell cried at his first birthday when he felt the icing because it made him dirty...not so with Miller).

Finally, here he is with his friend Abigail. At least he isn't pulling her hair here.

First (assisted) steps
This video was taken on Saturday, February 28--toward the end of the day and after Miller's 1st birthday party. Maria had been trying to get him to walk using the walker toy for a few weeks, but he just wouldn't do it. Then after Papa pulled the walker toy out and worked with him some, followed by some more workout time with Nana and Grandad he decided he would show us his walking ability!
Happy Birthday Miller!
I know it is what everyone says, but it is true that it is unbelievable how quickly time flies with with your children! A little over a year ago, Miller Isaac Upton joined our family and we are so much richer by having him in our family. Here is just a little about Miller:
When any of us (Mommy, Daddy, or Maxwell) walk into the room, Miller lights up with the biggest smile. One of the best parts of my (Matt) day is when I go to get him out of bed in the morning. First, we go see what Maxwell is doing and then we go into our bedroom to see Mommy. Miller loves his mommy and he makes it known every morning by the smile and giggle he gives her when he sees her for the first time.
Miller adores his big brother, or bubba as we call him, and is really starting to watch what Maxwell does and tries to imitate it (sometimes that is a good thing...other times, well...).
Miller is a snuggler and if he is tired or just needs some loving, he will lay his head on your shoulder and just snuggle in. As a parent, you have got to love that.
Miller loves to laugh and is so much fun to see when he gets tickled. What a beautiful sound it is to hear his laughter in our home.
Miller seems to like music just about as much as his brother--he heads straight for the computer when I am playing music on it. After seeing he and Maxwell playing their instruments together this morning we may have a band in the making, the UB Band (Upton Brothers Band)...we'll keep you posted.
I know there is more, but since I haven't blogged in so long, I'll stop here for now. Our prayer for Miller is that the Lord uses him in mighty ways to reach the lost with his tender love for people. We love you Miller and are so glad you are part of our lives!
Mommy, Daddy, and Maxwell
NOTE: I realize this post is 2 weeks late, but better late than never. Sorry Miller--I didn't forget your birthday. Love, Daddy
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