Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Daddy's yammune system

As with all 5-year old kids, Maxwell is full of questions. Lately, the main questions are "Daddy (or Mommy) is that good for you?" or "Does this song praise Jesus?" He has become quite health conscious and last night when we were with some friends at, big surprise, Chick-fil-A, they gave the kids vanilla milkshakes with green food coloring in them for St. Patrick's Day. When he heard that the milkshake had food coloring in it, he promptly refused to drink it saying that food coloring isn't good for you (after we told him that a little bit of food coloring wouldn't hurt him, he decided the shake was good enough to drink!). He has even threatened to throw away all Cokes we have in the house because they aren't good for you (he is a water and milk drinker almost exclusively). Talk about being challenged to make changes (yes, I know I'm going to have to give up Diet Coke...and soon!).

Here is the funny part to me...any time he drops something edible on the floor, he now brings it to me and says, "Daddy, you have a good yammune system so you can eat this." I am then given some tasty treat that he dropped on our floor--yum! I must admit that I never thought I would eat food off the floor, or half-chewed up food from my kids, but I do. I either have the best "yammune" system or I'm going to have the worst because of all the dirt I'm ingesting!

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