Sunday, March 14, 2010

Hotels and Ouch!

In December 2007 we took a trip with Nanny and Papa (Maria's parents) to Atlanta to have Christmas with Uncle Skip, Lauren and McKinley. We made the trip there in two days and stayed overnight in Jackson, Mississippi. That was the first time Maxwell really remembers staying in a hotel--possibly because he threw up in the middle of the night, and possibly because it was the first time he remembers it. Since that time he loves the idea of staying in a hotel and gets excited every time he gets the chance to stay in one.

Many of you know that we are in the middle of a  house hunt so finding a place to live is on all of our minds regularly. As they were driving by a hotel here in town the other day, Maxwell told Maria, "Mommy, I think we should move to California and Great Grandma and Great Grandad (my 95 and 94-year old grandparents who live in California) should move here. Then when we come to see them, we can stay in that hotel." Now that sounds like a problem solved...or maybe not!

On a separate note, Maxwell was helping me in the yard yesterday and I let him use my handheld rose bush shears to cut down some weeds in our neighbor's yard. At one point, I noticed that he had dropped them on his toe and he was hopping around saying how heavy they were and how they hurt his toe. I thought he was being dramatic...until he took off his shoe and his sock was soaked with blood right over his big toe. Apparently when he dropped them they were open and they went straight into his big toe, right on the knuckle. He has been a trooper about it (after a bit of a meltdown last night) and when I put the butterfly bandage on it tonight he said that made it feel much better.

In case you didn't know, anytime you get a decent cut on a knuckle you should go have stitches and that if you don't do so within 8 hours of the injury, they won't give stitches because the chance of infection goes up dramatically (information courtesy of Dr. Paul and Nurse Marianne Goen :)

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